terrie williams


Born: 1954

Hometown: Santa Cruz, CA

Education: Ph.D. in Environmental and Exercise Physiology

Occupation: Large animal physiologist

Expeditions: McMurdo Sound, Antarctica; Aleutian Islands and Prince William Sound, Alaska; Namibia; Hawaiian Islands and Bahamas; Mavericks, Half Moon Bay, CA

Favorite Place: In the remote wilderness

Best Discovery: How marine mammals use gliding to dive so deep and so long

Favorite Items In The Field: Frosted Mini-Wheats and a camera

Personal Heroes: Ernest Shackleton for the spirit of polar adventure and leadership, Walt Disney for imagination, and Jane Goodall for grace in the field

Hobbies: Triathlon competitions, sketching, writing, all dogs

Book: The Hunter’s Breath and The Odyssey of KP2

Website: http://williams.ceb.ucsc.edu/

Advice: Recognize your unique talents and then use them to discover the world.

Read Terrie Williams Imagine Notes Here and Here

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