marla spivak
Dr. Marla Spivak is a leading entomologist in the movement to protect and enhance the health and diversity of the world’s declining honey bee population. Essential to healthy ecosystems and to the agricultural industry as pollinators of a third of the United States’ food supply, honey bees have been disappearing at alarming rates in recent years due to the accumulated effects of parasitic mites, viral and bacterial diseases, and exposure to pesticides. Her current research projects include breeding honey bees for their natural defenses against diseases and parasites, exploring the benefits of plant resins to honey bee social immunity, and propagating floral-rich and pesticide-free landscapes to support all pollinators. Spivak is a MacArthur Fellow and McKnight Distinguished Professor in Entomology at the University of Minnesota. She received a B.A. from Humboldt State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas.
Born: 1955
Hometown: St. Paul, MN
Education: Ph.D. in Entomology
Occupation: Professor and beekeeper, University of Minnesota
Expeditions: Searching for bees and beekeepers through South and Central America
Favorite Place: Somewhere I've never been
Accomplishment: I have an amazing son
Favorite Items In The Field: A hive tool and bee smoker
Personal Heroes: Dr. Charles Michener, Morihei Ueshiba
Hobbies: Aikido, bicycling, gardening
Favorite Books: The Mother Tree, Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest, Death of a Beekeeper
Advice: Slow down, look, and listen.
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